Dreamgirls is a Tony Award-winning Broadway musical that first premiered in 1981. Created by Tom Eyen and Henry Krieger, the musical is a dazzling and powerful exploration of the rise and fall of a fictional girl group, The Dreams, as they navigate the challenges of fame and the complexities of the music industry. Inspired by the real-life journey of Motown’s iconic girl groups like The Supremes, Dreamgirls features a vibrant score that blends R&B, soul, gospel, and pop, with unforgettable songs such as "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" and "One Night Only."
The show’s compelling narrative and dynamic performances have earned it critical acclaim, including multiple Tony Awards, cementing its place as a seminal work in American musical theatre. With its captivating story of ambition, love, and resilience, Dreamgirls continues to resonate with audiences, offering both entertainment and a reflection on the enduring power of music and dreams.
2hr 45min. Incl. 15min intermission.
All Ages.
December 6th, 2024
March 30th, 2025
Day of week | Matinee | Evening |
Monday | - | - |
Tuesday | - | - |
Wednesday | - | - |
Thursday | - | - |
Friday | - | - |
Saturday | - | 7:30 PM |
Sunday | 4:00 PM | - |
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