A captivating story about legacy, identity, and cultural heritage unfolds in 1930s Pittsburgh, where a brother and sister are locked in a bitter dispute. At the center of their debate is a precious family heirloom—a piano with the faces of their ancestors carved into it. While one sibling sees an important history worth preserving, the other sees the key to unlocking a brighter future. In Wilson’s enthralling prose, this Pulitzer Prize-winning play weaves together elements of history and spirituality, creating a haunting narrative about reckoning with a complicated past. Through rich character development and poignant dialogue, the play explores themes of memory, sacrifice, and the enduring impact of family heritage on personal identity.
Day of week | Matinee | Evening |
Monday | - | - |
Tuesday | - | - |
Wednesday | - | 7:30 PM |
Thursday | - | 7:30 PM |
Friday | - | - |
Saturday | - | 7:30 PM |
Sunday | 2:00 PM | - |
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