Shakespeare’s quintessential comedy, this farcical tale of separated families and mistaken identities delights audiences young and old. Antipholus and his servant, Dromio, travel in search of a long-lost family member, only to get mixed up in a madcap race against the clock, love-at-first-double-take, run-ins with local law enforcement, and double trouble—times two. Christina Anderson’s translation maintains all we love about Shakespeare’s language even as it updates the jokes and wordplay, breathing new life into the double (and triple) entendres. This madcap whirl through bawdy adventures, mad scientists, romance, heartfelt reunions, and even a few happy endings will excite and titillate any audience. Additional support for "The Comedy of Errors" is provided by the Hitz Foundation and Play On Shakespeare.
"The Comedy of Errors" is being presented by The Acting Company in repertory with "Two Trains Running."
Plays, Family / Kid-friendly, Classic, Comedy, Revival
April 22nd, 2025
May 3rd, 2025
Tickets for this event will be on sale at a later date. Check back soon.
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